
長年にわたり京西陣の職人たちの銀糸で帯作りの経験を活かし、美しさと機能性を兼ね備えたマスクが生まれました。 純度99%の銀糸が息の水分に合うと、Ag+が発生し、抗菌効果となります! お洒落かつ機能性の高さ… ぜひご検討下さいませ~
In the midst of this continuing coronavirus pandemic, masks have definitely become both a necessity and a fashion accessory!
Due to this, there is increased demand for effective and fashionable masks. As an answer to this rising demand, the “peak of Kyoto ~ premium antimicrobial silver mask” was made.
This beautiful and functional mask was born from the experience of silver weavers in Nishijin who have woven silver obi belts for many years.
The 99% pure silver threads release silver ions which produces an anti microbial effect!
A mask that is aesthetically pleasing and highly functional… Definitely worth considering!